Intel® Arria® 10 Hard Processor System Technical Reference Manual

ID 683711
Date 8/28/2023
Document Table of Contents Single-Bit Error Occurrence

The ECC controller has a 32-bit wide counter that increments on every occurrence of a single-bit error.

You can program the ECC controller to trigger an interrupt when the single-bit error counter has reached a specific value, which is configured in the Single-Bit Error Count (SERRCNTREG) register. You can reset the counter by clearing the CNT_RSTA bit in the ECC Control (CTRL) register.

For true dual-port memory, such as SD/MMC, two internal single-bit error counters are present in its ECC controller. Each counter counts the errors on its own memory port. However, both counters refer to the same user-configurable threshold for interrupt generation. In this case, program the counter threshold value in the SERRCNTREG register to represent the average number of errors of both memories.