Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683609
Date 12/20/2023

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Document Table of Contents get_wirelevel_expressions


Retrieve a list of wire-level expressions from an optional input port, instance, or all expressions in the current level of system hierarchy. If the port bit selection is specified as an argument, the range must be identical to what was used in the set_wirelevel_expression statement.


get_wirelevel_expressions <instance_or_port_bitselection>


A flattened list of wire-level expressions. Every item in the list consists of right- and left-hand clauses of a wire-level expression. You can loop over the returned list using foreach{port expr} $return_list{}.


Specifies which instance or port from which a list of wire-level expressions are retrieved using the <instance_name>.<port_name>[<bit_selection>] format.
  • If no <port_name>[<bit_selection>] is specified, the command causes the return of all expressions from the specified instance.
  • If no argument is present, the command causes the return of all expressions from the current level of system hierarchy.
The bit selection can be a bit-select, for example [0], or a partial range defined in descending order, for example [7:0]. If no bit selection is specified, the full range of the port is selected.


get_wirelevel_expressions module0
get_wirelevel_expressions {module0.portA[7:0]}