Intel® FPGA SDK for OpenCL™: Stratix® V Network Reference Platform Porting Guide

ID 683645
Date 11/06/2017
Document Table of Contents

3.1.4. Definitions of Hardware Constants in Software Header Files

After you build the PCIe® component in your hardware design, you need a software layer to communicate with the board via PCIe. To enable communication between the board and the host interface, define the hardware constants for the software in header files.

The Stratix® V Network Reference Platform includes three header files that describe the hardware design to the software. The location of these header files are as follows:

  • For Linux systems, the location is <path_to_s5_net>/linux64/driver
  • For Windows systems, the location is <path_to_s5_net>\source\include
Table 5.  S5_net Header Files
Header File Name Description
hw_pcie_constants.h Header file that defines most of the hardware constants for the board design.

Example constants in this file include the IDs described in the PCIe Device Identification Registers section, BAR number, and offset for different components in your design. In addition, this header file also defines the name strings of ACL_BOARD_PKG_NAME, ACL_VENDOR_NAME and ACL_BOARD_NAME.

Keep the information in this file in sync with any changes to the board design.

hw_pcie_dma.h Header file that defines direct memory access (DMA)-related hardware constants.

Refer to SG-DMA for more information.

hw_pcie_cvp_constants.h Header file that defines CvP-related hardware constants.

Refer to CvP for more information.