Qsys System Design Tutorial

ID 683378
Date 5/04/2015
Document Table of Contents

1.9.2. Add the JTAG-to-Avalon Master Bridge

The JTAG-to-Avalon master bridge acts as a bridge between the JTAG interface and the system's memory tester.
  1. In the IP Catalog select JTAG to Avalon Master Bridge, and then click Add.
  2. In the parameter editor, click Finish to accept the default parameters.
  3. Rename the instance to jtag_to_avalon_bridge.
  4. Connect the jtag_to_avalon_bridge master interface to the memory_tester_subsystem slave interface.
  5. Set the jtag_to_avalon_bridge clk domain to sdram_sysclk.
  6. Connect the jtag_avalon_bridge clk_reset interface to the ext_clk clk_reset interface.
  7. Connect the jtag_avalon_bridge clk_reset interface to either the sdram reset_request_n interface (for ALTMEMPHY-based designs), or sdram afi_reset interface (for UniPHY-based designs).
  8. Connect the jtag_avalon_bridge master_reset interface to the memory_tester_subsystem reset interface, and to either the sdram soft_reset_n interface (for ALTMEMPHY-based designs), or sdram soft_reset interface (for UniPHY-based designs).
  9. To disable the cpu_subsystem system, in the Use column, turn off Use, since you are replacing its function with the bridge and System Console.
  10. Save the jtag_to_avalon_bridge system.