Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Partial Reconfiguration

ID 683834
Date 4/01/2024
Document Table of Contents

1.6. Partial Reconfiguration Design Flow

The PR design flow requires initial planning. This planning involves setting up one or more design partitions, and then determining the placement assignments in the floorplan. Well-planned PR partitions improve design area utilization and performance. The Quartus® Prime software also allows you to create nested PR regions as part of an HPR flow.

Figure 6. Partial Reconfiguration Design Flow

The PR design flow uses the project revisions feature in the Quartus® Prime software. Your initial design is the base revision, where you define the static region boundaries and reconfigurable regions on the FPGA. From the base revision, you create multiple revisions. These revisions contain the different implementations for the PR regions. However, all PR implementation revisions use the same top-level placement and routing results from the base revision.

The PR design flow includes the following steps: