Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition User Guide: Partial Reconfiguration

ID 683499
Date 9/24/2018
Document Table of Contents

1.5.2. Floorplan Assignments for PR Designs

You must create a LogicLock region so the interface of the PR region with the static region is the same for any persona you implement. If different personas of a PR region have different area requirements, you must make a LogicLock region assignment that contains enough resources to fit the largest persona for the region. The static regions in your project do not necessarily require a floorplan, but depending on any other design requirement, you may choose to create a floorplan for a specific static region. If you create multiple PR regions, and are using SCRUB mode, make sure you have one column or row of static region between each PR region.

There is no minimum or maximum size for the LogicLock region assigned for a PR region. Because wire-LUTs are added on the periphery of a PR region by the Intel® Quartus® Prime software, the LogicLock region for a PR region must be slightly larger than an equivalent non-PR region. Make sure the PR regions include only the resources that can be partially reconfigured; LogicLock regions for PR can only contain only LABs, DSPs, and RAM blocks. When creating multiple PR regions, make sure there is at least one static region column between each PR region. When multiple PR regions are present in a design, the shape and alignment of the region determines whether you use the SCRUB or AND/OR PR mode.

You can use the default Auto size and Floating location LogicLock region properties to estimate the preliminary size and location for the PR region.

You can also define regions in the floorplan that match the general location and size of the logic in each partition. You may choose to create a LogicLock region assignment that is non-rectangular, depending on the design requirements, but disjoint LogicLock regions are not allowed for PR regions in your first compilation of the project.

After compilation, use the Fitter-determined size and origin location as a starting point for your design floorplan. Check the quality of results obtained for your floorplan location assignments and make changes to the regions as needed.

Alternatively, you can perform Analysis and Synthesis, and then set the regions to the required size based on resource estimates. In this case, use your knowledge of the connections between partitions to place the regions in the floorplan.