Security User Guide: Intel® Programmable Acceleration Card with Intel® Arria® 10 GX FPGA

ID 683453
Date 3/06/2020
Document Table of Contents Sourcing the Script

Source the script to initialize the environment for the Acceleration Stack and OpenCL* .

source <DEV install path>/

After you have sourced the required environment with this command, you can use the script to create a signed or unsigned bitstream.

Type the following command to see help documentation for the script:

$AOCL_BOARD_PACKAGE_ROOT/linux64/libexec/ -h

The command above produces the following help output:

The script assumes the PACsign and Intel Acceleration Stack environment is setup. If not run the command : <stack_installation_path>/
1) For creating signed aocx run command : 
./ [[[-H hsm_manager] [-i input_file ] [-r rootpublickey][-k cskkey] [-o output_file]]]| [-h]] 
2) For creating unsigned images run command : 
./ [[[-H hsm_manager] [-i file ] [-r NULL] [-k NULL] [-o output_file] 
Command arguments:
  • -H specifies the name of the HSM. Intel provides the pkcs11_manager and openssl_manager HSMs. You can also specify a custom HSM.
  • -i specifies the input .aocx file or the path to the input .aocx file.
  • -r specifies the root public key or the path to it.
  • -k specifies the code signing key or the path to it.
  • -o specifies the output filename you would like to create.
  • -h displays the help text above.

If you would like to create an unsigned .aocx file, specify NULL as the root key (-r) and code signing key (-k) arguments.

You can run the script from any location by providing its path as shown above.